Archived News for January 2007:
Well, a slight problem... the server upgrade won't happen till THIS week because I didn't pay attention to the e-mail from saying that they couldn't bill my CC since I put the wrong billing address in. I've fixed that and I should be getting the new memory by the end of this week.
Posted by CyberBotX at 2:24pm -0500 on 1-29-2007
This is just to let everyone who still comes here (even with my lack of updating) that I will be updating the memory of the server from 128MB of RAM to 512MB, which I should be receiving in 3-4 days now.

As for updates... well, I know I have probably disappointed lots of people who used to see this site update very often. Just letting everyone know that I am busy with school work and that's part of the reason why updates have been lax. That and I have been doing other projects and haven't had time for animations or anything else.
Posted by CyberBotX at 4:17pm -0500 on 1-22-2007

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