Archived News for September 2002:
Added: CBX Avatar Comic #3.
Posted by CyberBotX at 4:28pm -0400 on 9-27-2002
Added: CBX Avatar Comic #2.
Posted by CyberBotX at 6:01pm -0400 on 9-19-2002

I added copyright infomation to the bottom of my main site.
Posted by CyberBotX at 11:21pm -0400 on 9-19-2002
Added: CyberBotX v2 animations.
Those animations are located on the MMX animation pages.
Posted by CyberBotX at 12:35am -0400 on 9-15-2002

Yay, I have done it! I have made it so my news is now archived by month. :P
Posted by CyberBotX at 10:54pm -0400 on 9-15-2002
Added: Mega Man X 1 Dashing.
Posted by CyberBotX at 4:49am -0400 on 9-09-2002
I have done a little cosmetic updates to the site. Mainly, I have made the CyberBotX, Super Mario RPG, and Misc. Animation pages be dynamic with PHP. I have also changed all the sections to say "Animations" instead of "Sprites".
Posted by CyberBotX at 5:55am -0400 on 9-04-2002

Added: Mega Man X 1 Climbing.
Posted by CyberBotX at 7:14am -0400 on 9-04-2002

I have updated the sections to be a little more dynamic.
PHP is working wonders. :P
Posted by CyberBotX at 3:25pm -0400 on 9-04-2002

Added: Mega Man X 2 & 3 Climbing.
Posted by CyberBotX at 7:04pm -0400 on 9-04-2002
Thanks to a little help from enisoc, I now have a secure way to add news. So I shouldn't have to worry about someone else finding my news adding form and using it themselves. :P
Posted by CyberBotX at 1:33am -0400 on 9-02-2002

Well, I didn't want to add this, but since I had some testing to do anyways, here goes... "Hinch rules." I hope he is happy. Of course, he knows that without me this never would have happened! :P
Posted by CyberBotX at 1:49am -0400 on 9-02-2002
If this worked, then my personal made news addition form is working perfectly fine.
Posted by CyberBotX at 10:36pm -0400 on 9-01-2002

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