Archived News for November 2006:
If you are seeing this message, then I've partially moved and my server is up and running again. It might go down again at least twice more in the next couple of months, one time in the next week or so (when the room I'm storing the server in is finished) and once more in the next couple of months when FreeBSD 6.2 is finally released so I can update the server fully, with a nice reformat since Apache has been a pain lately. More to come later.
Posted by CyberBotX at 11:22pm -0500 on 11-20-2006
My website might be down for a little while within the next couple of days. My family and I are in the process of moving (just a short 2 miles from where we are now) but I might have a delay in getting my computers set up again. I'll let everyone know when it's all set... well, you'll see the site again when everything is all set, but you know what I mean!
Posted by CyberBotX at 10:39am -0500 on 11-19-2006
Well, I guess I should've mentioned this earlier... I was at Youmacon 2006 for the last 3 days. I had an excellent time, probably a bit better than last year's Youmacon. I got more autographs, I think I went to more events, and (on the flip side) I spent more money in the Dealer's Room. I'm kinda tired after the past 3 days, though, so I'll be posting what I did during the con and my photos later on either this week or next week.

Oh, and no, I haven't made any new animations. I probably could do some during my more boring classes at school, but I just can't find the drive for it right now. I do promise that I will do something, though. I will not leave the site as stale as it already is...
Posted by CyberBotX at 10:40pm -0500 on 11-05-2006

Well, I guess I should've mentioned this earlier... I was at Youmacon 2006 for the last 3 days. I had an excellent time, probably a bit better than last year's Youmacon. I got more autographs, I think I went to more events, and (on the flip side) I spent more money in the Dealer's Room. I'm kinda tired after the past 3 days, though, so I'll be posting what I did during the con and my photos later on either this week or next week.

Oh, and no, I haven't made any new animations. I probably could do some during my more boring classes at school, but I just can't find the drive for it right now. I do promise that I will do something, though. I will not leave the site as stale as it already is...
Posted by CyberBotX at 10:40pm -0500 on 11-05-2006

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