Archived News for September 2005:
You may have noticed that the PayPal donate link has gone poof. Well, I read evidence that PayPal is not a very good company to trust with money, so I canceled my PayPal account completely. I will be looking for another way to accept donations, though, so if anyone does want to send me donations before then, email me and we'll work something out.
Posted by CyberBotX at 2:05pm -0400 on 9-04-2005

I added an based donation link to their Honor System. I believe this might be a better choice than the PayPal one I had. Again, you are free to donate whatever you wish, if you wish.

Also, I will try to get more animations and even other things like PHP scripts or mIRC scripts up on the site.
Posted by CyberBotX at 3:28pm -0400 on 9-04-2005

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